The 1Breadcrumb Tools
On-site and off-site orientations, with fully customizable structures including company-wide and site-specific options, and questions and content, all from a mobile phone.
Digital submission and securely saved worker documentation on every site, including licenses and training that can be stored in the user’s trade wallet.
Real-time site attendance and manpower logs for complete visibility of who is on which site and when, and manpower logs integration across other various platforms.
A simple way for subcontractors to upload JSA that are signed off and time-stamped. Digitally collect, review, update and accept JSA.
Collect SDSs, automatically build registers for each site and make them accessible to anyone who needs them.
Collect, review, store and integrate insurances and certificates of currency from subcontractors across all sites.
Digital permits submission and acceptance process. The ability to open and close-out permits and the flexibility to put permits on hold. Above all, a birds-eye-view of permits across each site, whether they are active or passed.
Automated site entry linked to digital inductions and compliance. The ability to track workforce movements in real-time and restrict access when credentials lapse. Above all, a secure, streamlined system that ensures only approved personnel step foot on-site.
Ultimate Compliance
The 1Breadcrumb platform enables site and office teams to manage the safety and compliance of every subcontractor and every site worker across every construction project.
With the complete product suite, you can stay on top of Health & Safety.
“We’re getting a lot more minutes out of the boys on site and for me, I’m getting on site quicker.”
Damien Staub